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Lady Ara
Mermaid tree

-… If you plant seeds, the flower will grow. And if you plant a tree, a big tree will grow. But I wonder, what will grow if you plant lady? – Sir Paulik asked, sitting one evening in the Tavern. Lady Ara raised her eyes for a moment and answered: - Mermaid tree will. But the quality of these mermaids depends on the quality of the lady you plant. So you should choose the best lady. – After these words she smiled and returned to the parchment with the scheme of new flowerbed. - Oh, I immediately need a mermaid tree! – Exclaimed sir Paulik. – I have seen one in the Supreme Magister’s garden… And he started looking around very suspiciously. After a few minutes he stood up and...

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Sir Gorbik

An orc in a green cloak where one could read the inscription embroidered in gold was in the room at the very top of " tower of time " of the  Capital of HeroesLand and looked at the huge sand-glass enclosed  in a sophisticated mechanism made by dwarves and spelled by the black dragon  Pool. The sand being there remained approximately for a week and it meant that clock would turn over and the next lap of common tourneys and HeroesLand 3 Royal Games would start.  Besides, it was time to elect again Knights of the Round Table. And though there were many arguments and discontent with this leading body,  life had shown this body to be more useful than...

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Lady Ara

After having a nice rest evening in the Tavern, manticore stretched herself sweetly and went out. Outside was calm and beautiful; snow was falling and softly covering the earth. The noise of full hall had been left behind the door of the Tavern and lady was enjoying silence. Somewhere over there a big clock struck the midnight. A little part of snow fell down the tree directly onto the manticore's back, she shook herself and went on her walk, stepping accurately among the trees. Suddenly, she heard strange noise, which was coming from the Magistrate's side. As lady had that evening free and it was rather early to go to bed, she decided to have a walk to the Magistrate and see, what could...

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