Round table

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General regulations

  1. The council of the Knights of the Round Table (KRT) is an elective consultative institution attached to the Magisracy of the Portal. Decisions made by the KRT council may be accepted or declined by the Magistracy. The Supreme Magister has the right to VETO any of the KRT decisions.
  2. 12 Knights of the Round Table are elected by an open voting for a four month term. Any registered citizen of the Portal ranked no lower than a knight (see the Ranks section for details) may be elected as a Knight of the Round Table. Blocked visitors of the Portal can’t take part in the election campaign and voting.
  3. Any registered citizen of the Portal, except the blocked ones, has the right to participate in the elections of the Knights of the Round Table.

Knights of the Round Table election procedure

  1. The election campaign starts after the Magistracy opens a topic in the tavern named "Knights of the Round Table elections, convocation number" and lasts for 12 days. In this topic, the citizens may nominate somebody (including themselves) for election to the KRT, write their programmes, put questions for the candidates.
  2. After 12 days of the election campaign, the voting itself begins, also lasting for 12 days. Any registered player of the Portal may send one letter to [email protected] containing 12 nicknames of the players (no less than knights in rank), whom he considers worthy of being Knights of the Round Table. You must write "KRT elections - *your nickname*" in the subject of the letter and sign it with your nickname. You may vote for yourself.
  3. The Magistracy sums up the election results and posts it up in the Voting Archive section. In order to have all the Lands represented in the KRT Council, when summing up the results, the Magistracy checks that there are no less than two players with feuds in every HMM version for which the official tourneys are being conducted. If there are insufficient feud owners in any HMM version among the 12 players with the most votes, then not the 12th player on the list enters the KRT Council (if needed, also not the 11th, 10th...), but the nearest one with a feud in the needed Lands. Feuds bought after the start of the election campaign are not taken into account.
  4. If there are no players owning a feud necessary according to the p. 3. in the full list of the players with at least one vote, the Magistracy calls an additional election to fill the vacant places. Procedure of such an election is the same as in p. 1 and 2 But only the players with proper feuds can be proposed as candidates.

Knights of the Round Table re-election

  1. The Council of the Knights of the Round Table can be re-elected before the end of the term by a decision made by the MAJORITY of the Magisters. In such case, the Magistracy explains the reasons for such re-elections, and calls a new election into the KRT Council.
  2. If a Knight of the Round Table loses his last feud in a duel and does not obtain (or win) another one in a month’s term, he is dismissed from the KRT Council.
  3. Anyone may resign from the KRT Council by declaring so in the Tavern and stating the reason.
  4. In the last two cases, no new elections are called. The Supreme Magister appoints the player who had taken the 13th place (or lower, or higher if needed) into the KRT Council instead of the one who’ve left it.

Duties of the Knights of the Round Table

  1. To settle the arguable questions between the players. Any citizen of the Heroes Lands may present a complaint about another citizen, which the KRT Council must review and send the decision to the Supreme Magister for approval.
  2. To gather the propositions of the Heroes Lands citizens about amendments to the Rules, systematize them, handle and discuss the advisability of their acceptance. If there is a positive decision by the KRT Council about an amendment, it is presented to the Magistracy for further voting.
  3. To participate in all votings of the KRT council. If temporarily unable to carry out this duty, notify other Knights of the Round Table in advance.
  4. To answer the questions of the newcomers, helping them to understand the rules and traditions of the Heroes Lands.
  5. A Knight of the Round Table who has not participated in 3 consecutive votings or has not shown any activity in the KRT Council during 1 month, is automatically dismissed from the Council. The substitution is made according to the Paragraph 3 – KRT re-election.

Rights of the Knights of the Round Table

  1. To leave the Council of the Knights of the Round Table at any time, informing the Magistracy of the resignation and declaring it in the Tavern.
  2. To present propositions to repeal or revise some of the Portal Rules, if such a decision is approved by the majority of the KRT Council’s votes. In such case, an internal voting about that question is called in the Magistracy.
  3. To make propositions to the Magistracy about changing the prices at the market.
  4. To appoint experts for reviewing arguable tourney results (not necessarily from the KRT). Experts present their decisions based on the intermediate savegames and descriptions to the Knights of the Round Table who then vote about that decision. The amount of payment to the experts (in @) is set by the Magistracy by an agreement with the chosen experts and the Knights of the Round Table.
  5. To introduce to the Magistracy citizens who, by the KRT Council’s opinion, deserve to be rewarded for something.

The Knights of the Round Table CANNOT make individual decisions!

Voting of the Knights of the Round Table

  1. Any question is decided by the KRT Council’s voting. Only Knights of the Round Tables or Magisters have the right to open votings behind the Round Table. But the Magisters’ votes are not taken into account when summing up the voting results.
  2. The voting is made by opening a stand-alone topic for the matter in question behind the KRT’s voting table. All Knights of the Round Table must leave a message in this topic indicating their affirmative of negative vote, or abstaining from the voting. They may also comment their opinion.
  3. Before voting, a question must be discussed behind the Table of Propositions for no less than 12 days. The exceptions are matters important only to the KRT, such as organizing their work.
  4. Right after the elections, the Knights of the Round Table make decisions about the KRT Council’s Chairman and about the regulations (terms of voting, conditions of accepting a decision, discussion procedures etc).
  5. The right to officially announce the voting results belongs to the KRT Council’s Chairman or his assistant.

The Magistracy helps to organize the work of the Knights of the Round Table. Every member of the KRT Council is paid 300@ monthly.