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New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today:Government Wars (H3-WG-L); Miner-1 (H3-SD-L); Miner-2 (H3-SD-L); Somewhere In Desert (H3-SD-XL); Rescuing Ash (H3-SD-M); Birth of a God (H3-AB-M); Wizard Blizzard (H3-RE-L); Two Bridges (H3-RE-S); Demonic Dreams (H4-GS-M); Shangri-La (H2-XL); U vs. the World (H2-XL); The Alliance (H2-XL); Styx (H2-L).Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today: Quest Log (H3-H3-M), War an island (H3-SD-L), Admirals Hat (H3-SD-S), Arena of death (H3-SD-XL), Golden Orda, Strelyalki (H3-WG-M), Arno (H4-H4-XL), Thirst of blood (H4-WW-M), Dominion (H4-WW-XL), One against all (H3-SD-M), Sredezemie (H3-WG-XL), In victory (H4-GS-S), The Hunt for sir Sombreus (H4-WW-M).Look for them in the section new maps

Large update of the section "Maps":

Large update of the section "Maps": Bad to the Bone (H2-L); Orcs vs. Humans (H2-L); Europe (H2-XL); Maran (H2-XL); Holyworld (H2-XL); The New World (H2-XL); Children of the Dragonslayer (H3-SD-XL); Good vs. Evil SoD (H3-SD-XL); Wheel of Time (H3-SD-XL); Disenchanted Forest (H4-GS-XL), Angels are Back (H4-WW-XL); Under the Bridge(allies)(H4-WW-M); When Hell Froze Over (H4-WW-L); Barbarian Duels (H4-M); Chameleon (H4-M); Charmer's Diplomacy (H4-M); Poker for HoMM4 (H4-S); Sign of Inspiration (H4-M); Return of Vodeiran (H4-XL).Look for them in the section new maps

The section  Market is added with new artifacts

The "Market".  has started working in our offline tourney at last  today! You have not seen such variety of goods yet. It's time to spend arrobas (virtual money) earned on our tourneys.  Also unique artifacts are added to all players winning in merchant guild tourneys! Welcome to "HeroesLands"!

New maps have been added today

New maps and campaigns have been added today: Guscle Swamps (H3-RE-M); A New Start (H3-SD-M); Atlantida (H3-SD-L); Dark Knight (H3-SD-L); No way to run (H3-SD-M); Reaching by Sea (H3-SD-M); Scrambling for an island (H3-SD-L); The Siege of Pretal (H3-WG-M), and two campaigns - Planeswalker (H4-WW, 7 episodes) and The Knights of Heroes Lands (H3-SD, 8 episodes), dedicated to the Knights of our Lands.

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today: The Last Chance (H3-AB-M), Islands, New Lands (H3-SD-L), Gigantic Times, Suppression, The internal conflict, Unions, War (H3-SD-M), Struggle for city, (H3-SD-S), Expansion_Allies, Insomnia, Return of lands, Sudden War (H3-SD-XL), Necrotown (H3-WG-S), Revival (H3-WG-XL), Klark (H4-GS-M), Long war (H4-H4-XL), Black square (H4-WW-L). Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added today:

New maps have been added today: Scrambling with Evil (H3SD-L); Malek (H3SD-L); Heart (H3SD-M); Smile (H3SD-M); Autrecamp (H3AB-S); La Bataille Des Trois Armees (H3SD-XL); Savior Of Greece (H3RE-L); Jugurta's Capture (H3SD-M); Transylvania (H3SD-M); Coalition Wars (H3SD-XL); Beyond The Bastard's Reach (H4-M); Water Wyrd (H4WW-L) Treasure Hunt In Charragaust (H4-GS-M), Charragaust (H4-GS-S), L O T R The War Of The Ring (H4-GS-XL), Overpopulation (H4-WW-L), Phoenix Islands (H4-WW-M), If Theres A Will (H4-WW-XL) Look for them in the section new maps

The large updating in the section maps!!!

New maps have beed added today: Assault on sir Sombreus, Power and weakness mages (H3-SD-M), Duel super, Fight for an authority above the world (H3-SD-S), OgEs awsome map (H3-SD-XL), Arctic elf, In the Wake of King (H3-WG-L), Hidra, TainiERM (H3-WG-M), Bogs and Gods, fast_map_WoG, Spirit of lake (H3-WG-S), Struggle for Existence (H3-WG-XL), Diablo (H4-GS-S), In Glory Of A Devil (H4-WW-XL), Dirt and Grass (H3-SD-S), Sale (H3-SD-M), Lords of Velsharion (H4-M), Back to the Ring (H4-WW), Vortex Anomaly (H3-SD-XL), Battle of the Elements (H3-SD-L), Joined Lands (H3-SD-L), Into the Darkness (H3-AB-L), Dragon Pass 2 (H3-AB-M), Anti-Hero (H3-AB-M), Hail to the King (H3-RE-XL).Look for them in the section new maps

The section has been open

A new section "HeroesLands Maps" "3" and "4" is open in our offline tourney "HeroesLands". A film about portal is restored, you may download it "here"

Today the Portal map collection was enriched with the following maps:

Today the Portal map collection was enriched with the following maps: All vs. All 2 (H3-AB-M), Darkness Descends (H3-SD-XL), Uprising (H3-SD-XL), Fall and Rise (H3-AB-XL), Magic Crisis (H3-AB-XL), The Rise of Power (H3-AB-XL), Swamp Flowers (H4-M), Burn Them (H4-M), Conflict v. 2.1 (H4-WW-XL). Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

New maps have been added: Dietrich and the Ice Queen (H3RE-S) , Redbeaks revenge (H3RE-M) ,  Gageteers gnolls (H3RE-L) , A Magical Surprise, Back to the future (H3AB-S) , Time of testing(H3AB-M) , Theophobia (H3SD-L) Trouble with Pigs_Ponies (H4-WW-XL)  Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

New maps have been added today: Great War JJ (H4-WW-XL), Omoroz (H4-WW-L), Way through mountains (H3-WoG-S), Inferno (H3-SD-XL), Struggle, The neighbours (H3-SD-S), Volcanoe Land, Unusual sale, Piratskiye voyni (H3-SD-M), Two Islands_Two Kingdoms (H3-RO-M), Australia (H3-AB-L) And also the map is updated The_Falcon_of_Victory (H4-GS-M).Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

New maps have been added today: Conversion (H3-SD-XL), Seven (H3-AB-L), Treasure of the Elves (H3-AB-l), Strange Circles and Triangles (H4-M), Spiritmongers (H4-M), Eagle Nest (H4-WW-XL), Nosferatu (H2-L), Realm of Isles (H2-L), Torque (H2-L), Heaven (H2-XL), Ferrari (H2-XL).Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

Today the Portal map collection was enriched with the following maps: king of the world (H3-RE-XL), Rich island, Wood war (H3-SD-M), Evil wars, Magik VS Might, Time of Changes (H3-SD-S), The Earth (H3-SD-XL), Desert games_en, Desert games_ru (H4-GS-M), Bulbo's Adventure (H4-WW-L). Look for them in the section new maps

New maps have been added

Today the Portal map collection was enriched with the following maps: Vanadia (H3-SoD-XL), The Dragon Master (H3-AB-XL), The Dream Reaper (H3-AB-XL), Stormbringer (H3-AB-XL), Tunnels of the Damned (H4-WoW-L), Taming The Brew (H4-GS-L), Coldhearted v.1.1.(H4-GS-M).Look for them in the section new maps