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The new Heroes 3 Tournament Edition v.1.02 (for WoG) is released

What is it and how you can use this you'll find out here.

The international on-line tournament between HeroesPortal and Drachenwald ended

The international on-line tournament between HeroesPortal (Ukraine) and Drachenwald (Germany) has ended. The total score is 8:2, HeroesPortal team wins.

HeroesLibrary updated

Our HeroesLibrary continues growing. Today we added two new sections to it - Physics of the World of HMM2 and Towns and Castles of HMM2. This section is developing thanks to your help and magister Ayreon's work.
Unfortunately, these sections are available only in Russian meanwhile. We will be greatful if you could help us translatin them to English.

New maps and campaigns

New maps and campaigns were posted today: Return (H2-M); Sea Wars (H2-L); Monastery of Light, Struggle of Worlds (H2-XL); Sandy Passage (H3SD-S); Battle for DreamTown, Cienaga de los lamentos, Guerra de piratas, Revolt, Tierra Maldita (H3SD-M); El Yermo, History of sir RedMouse (H3SD-L); Domino, Dungeon Keeper, Ice Age, Legend of Woodlands, The Song of Fire & Ice, War of the neighbors (H3SD-XL); Army of Light, Army of Darkness (H3SD-C); Playing with death, Revival of the Hero (H3WG-S); Bards Tale: Phantom Manage, T Idi Mi Dodi Mi (H3WG-XL); Adventures of Sonya (H3WG-C); Search for the Sacred Fountain, Tournament, The Stolen Castle (H4WW-M); Draconic 2 (H4WW-XL); Artifact Hunter (H4WW-C).

Summer vacations on HeroesPortal

As august advances beyond our windows, half of HeroesPortal team spends its holidays outside HeroesLands. Sir Gorbik will return on September 3rd, sir Pool - on 5th, Sir Ayreon - on 1st. Sir Silver Lynx is currently on sick-leave certificate and will return as soon as he gets recovered, and we sincerelly wish him to recover as fast as possible. Meanwhile, sir Logan Warbringer, sir Vadim99, sir Banan, lady Ennaxamoun and sir Sargon, who has just returned from vacation, still watch over HeroesPortal and keep the order:)

Our offline tournaments continue. Because of these summer vacations there is a possibility of a lack of places, needed for receiving a feud in high heagues of our tournaments. In this case, use your "Royal Decrees" or gently ask queen PoisonAvi (version HMM3) in order to move players from common to high league.

In september we are going to continue developing our Library, to end our tourney with German site Drachenwald, to post the latest reports about summer meetings of our devoted players, to organize the elections of the Knights of the Round Table of 4th convocation, to refresh the maps of the feuds in  HeroesLands 3 and HeroesLands 4, and also create the maps of the feuds in HeroesLands 2 and to create new, better duel rules, which are going to be directly connected with feud maps. An, of course, there will be a plenty of new maps and tournaments!
Stay with us!

New maps

Many new maps were posted today.
Here they are: Golemotitania, Sword and Axe (H2-L); Bosque Oscuro, Dark Regime, Grand Voyage, Ground War, Moby Dick, Mon Fantastico, Pais Encantado, Superhero (H2-XL); My Lands (H3AB-M); Temple of the Damned, The Angel falls (H3SD-S); Psycholand, The Little Island, Third Corner (H3SD-M); Armageddon, Heart of Steel, Known Heroes - Dissociation, Simply So, The Jungle (H3SD-L); Revenge of the Rat, Sudden War, Sudden War (eng.), Visit to the Queen, Wild Lands - The Snow Age (H3SD-XL); Destroying Evil, Forest Song (H3WG-M); Bard Tales - Dragon Lord (H3WG-XL); Lost City (H4-XL); Forgotten Island, Revenge of Barbarian (H4WW-S); Island of Corpse, Looking for Beer, Save the Queen, Save the Queen (eng.), Looking for Adventures (H4WW-M); Ennaxamoun, War of the Coral Reef (H4WW-XL).

We also want to imform you, that all new H3WoG maps,containing internal script, and all new campaigns for HMM3 and HMM4 are being tested now.

The foundation of the new "building" - "The Library of Heroes of Might & Magic"

Today we erected the first "stone" of the "building of the Library of Heroes of Might & Magic". Right now those sections are available only in Russian, but it's still the very beginning of the development of this section. We hope that thanks to you it will become the best of all such sections that exist in other Heroes of Might and Magic fansites.

International online tournament between HeroesPortal and Drachenwald - recent news

The second tournament game has just finished. Sir hexer from Drachenwald (Germany) and sir VANDAL from HeroesPortal met each other in this exciting match, and it was sir hexer who got the upper hand.
We greet our honorable rivals from Drachenwald with this brilliant victory. The score in tourney now is 1:1.

The international on-line tournament between HeroesPortal and Drachenwald is opened

Today the international on-line tournament between HMM-oriented Internet communities Drachenwald (Germany) and HeroesPortal has been opened. The game version of the tournament is Heroes of Might & Magic III.
The first battle has already finished. Sir Balamut (HeroesPortal) defeated sir Mystic Phoenix (Drachenwald), and so HeroesPortal team has taken the lead (1:0). Check our news - we'll inform you about everything that happens in this tournament.

HeroesPortal moves again

Our Portal grows and becomes better every day, and you, our devoted players, help us in achieving this a lot. But as the Portal becomes larger, it demands more and more resources. That's why we decided to change our provider again, and we hope this is the last time we'll have to do it.
Our web address will not change, but the site may not function between 29th Jul - 1st Aug. Do not send anything to mailboxes these days.

And don't worry:)

New avatars in our Tavern

Today we added to our free avatars bank, available in Tavern, some  new ones from Heroes of Might & Magic II

New unique version of HMM3 - Tournament Edition 1.01

Today the special tournament version of HMM3 - Tournament Edition 1.01 - has been released at last. Here you will find all the information about this game version and about purchasing it. We want to remind you, that we still run our tournaments on usual version of the game. The version mentioned here is more suitable for club tournaments.

More news

Today the clan "Over Night and Over Darkness" has been disbanded. Also, the problems with distributing tourney prizes (mines and artifacts) have been worked out and all the property the players earned in previous round of tourneys, they received.
Also, there are some changes in our tourney management. From now on, sir Logan Warbringer will conduct Wild Lands tournaments in HMM2 and HMM4 and Citadel of Heroes tournaments in HMM3 and HMM4, and Wild Lands tournament in HMM3 will be run by sir Banan, the conductor of Landless, Market and Main tournaments in this game version. You can get acquainted with all these tourneys by clicking here.

A tidbit of news

The meeting of Portal players in Kiev (Ukraine) has finally occurred. Wait for the special photo-report about this meeting. There were lots of girls at the meeting place this time and that really made everyone happy:)

Also, two new clans have been registered. The signup for the new HMM4 on-line tournament is opened. You can register for the tourney here

New maps and campaigns

Today we posted more than forty new maps and campaigns.
Here they are: War of Fire (H2-S); Am I Lost, Bird World 4, Blood Beach, Liches Wrath, Sostegaria (H2-M); A Maze Inq, Adamah, Gang Wars, Lost City, Quest of Jan, Speaking Man, Titans Revenge (H2-L); Champions Charge, R.I.P (H2-XL); Bandits Land (H3RE-S); Invasion (H3RE-XL); Dungeon and Conflux, Khan Toptygin, Yareh Lands (H3SD-S); Botanic Adventures, Gates of Hell, Inquisition Chronicles Part 1, Six aspects of empire (H3SD-M); Game in draughts, Revenge of the forest (H3SD-XL); Death of Dragon Queen, Poisonous Darkness (H3SD-C); Beginning of a way, No one lives forever (H3WG-S); Magic Guild (H3WG-M); Imp Island, New Road Heroes v2.05, World Web (H3WG-XL); Mortal Game (H4WW-S); Ancient Rivalry, Land of Mantis, Pandora_sk, War in desert (H4WW-M); Capture of Svyatopetrovsk (H4WW-L).