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Heroes Lands 4 feud maps have been updated

As we promised, feud maps will be updated regularly. Today we have updated them according to the results of «Royal Games». Only the map of the continent Death hasn’t been updated because some inhabitants of this continent hasn’t receive their prizes yet. If you have any questions about these maps you can ask Lady Ara. Also we remind you, that you can’t change your race after getting a feud.

Heroes Portal life

A clan war between Shadow Guards and the Gladiators has started today. The 3-d Paladins’ Gonfalon clan has changed its lineup: Sir Van has left the clan, and Sir Zin has came in to substitute him.
Also, today we've opened two offline duels in Heroes Lands 4.

Section "Maps" has been updated again

The following maps were posted today: Revenge, Sharg Noo Waters (H2-M); Insects (H2-L); Hymn of Death, Island Combat, Vampiric Love, War of Krynn (H2-XL); Bonapart Wars (H3RE-L); Swamp War, Wonderland (H3AB-S); Crystal Dragons, Duel, Solmyr Tourney, White Fighter (H3SD-S); Disputable Lands, Moria, Party Time, The Storied Heroes (H3SD-M); Arzence*, Good & Evil, Serve Me Right, Sword & Bottle of Spell*, Yellowpaunch* (H3SD-L); Archipelago Alder, The Earth (H3SD-XL); Great Serpent (H3WG-M); Battle Without Rules*; Vasya Returned* (H3WG-L); Great Islands (H3WG-XL); Search for Heroeslands (H4WW-S); The Great Library* (H4WW-L); The Religion of War (H4EQ-XL).

Heroes Lands 4 feud maps updated

Today the feud maps in Heroes Lands 4 have been updated.
The Royal Games in these Lands have finished recently, and, while we distribute the prizes among the participants, you may take a look at the new feud maps. Just follow the links under the large world map. By clicking on a small preview map of any continent you'll open a window with the full-sized version of the map. Be patient as the maps are quite heavy, but they are worth of the effort. The new maps are as clear as possible.
The whole domain of every player is enclosed in a blue frame. Another inner frame on some of the feuds has the following meaning, according to its color:
black - the owning player's profile is blocked.
green - the feud is owned by a Magister (administrator of the Portal) and can't be used in duels.
yellow - the feud have been won in an online tourney and may only be taken away via an online duel.
blue only - the feud have been won in an offline tourney and may only be taken away via an offline duel.
Also, if a player is a member of a clan, the clan's emblem is shown near his coat of arms.
The kings are invited to send lists of their vassals at so that we may apply the Vassal Rules. Information about what the feuds are and why you need them, may be found here. These rules are for the offline tourneys - if you have any questions about online, ask them behind this table.
The process of updating the feud maps is finally automated, so now they will be updated on a regular basis. Today we announce the beginning of official duels in the Fourth Lands. Make your challenges!

More news about Heroes of Might and Magic

The official site has been updated with an overview of magical schools, as well as a list of all magic spells, information about some artifacts and several in-game screenshots. Also there is an interesting info about game interface evolution (English only).

Releasing of  Heroes of Might and Magic V has been put off at fan’s desire.

The Ubisoft company has officially put off the releasing of Heroes of Might and Magic V to the second quarter of year 2006. Everybody who has been asking about this step is glad :) We hope the game Heroes of Might and Magic V will be grand after all.

Heroes Portal life

Today the section «Events» has been updated. The report is about International online tourney between “Heroes Portal” and «Jaskinia Behemota».
Today the section «About us» has been changed. We congratulate new participant of our team – lady Ara.
Also today a clan war between clans «Alliance» and  «Favorites of sun» has started.

After playing beta-version of Heroes of Might and Magic V fans are begging not to put the game on the market in time.

They have played and that’s enough. Now it’s almost impossible to find keys for public beta version of Heroes of Might and Magic V in the Internet, moreover the beta crashes when starts. In view of this facts people, who have played public beta, organized movement called Save Heroes. Participants of this action ask Ubisoft to put off the term of game release to let creators correct all discovered bugs. We remind you that the deadline had been announced on March 2006.

Today Heroes Portal is 6 years old since the day of foundation and 4 year old since the moment of official opening!

Today Heroes Portal is 6 years old since the day of foundation and 4 year old since the moment of official opening! To remember how it has been, we recommend you to download moderate movie about this event. You can congratulate us here. And if you want to sent us materially compliments and besides to give presents to yourself then contact us by mail Since today, the rate of exchange is 1USD=100@. We want to thank to everybody, who has helped us materially and joined the New Year special offer (double rate of change). Thanks to you we can open festive tourney in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 now. The tourney will be carried out together with «Royal Games».
Today in honour of the sixth anniversary of Heroes Portal we opens special offline tourney in Heroes of Might and Magic III with total prize of 100USD. The tourney is carried out without any bonuses bought in the market. You just need to download save and win the game in given time with the best result. Don’t forget about standard limitations outlined here. Only registered users of Heroes Portal can take part in the tourney. You can register here.

Also we remind you of “Royal Games” which are carried out in Heroes of Might and Magic II, III, IV. Players, who will show the best results in these tourneys, will receive T-shorts, diplomas and memorable statuette with engraving. The prizes will be delivered by DHL and Western Union.

Second big open Belarusian Heroes of Might and Magic III championship in Minsk

Booking is on for the second big open Belarusian Championship in Minsk, which will start on 28 January. The tournament will be played on Heroes III in clubs "HazarD" and "Titan". There may be up to 128 (!!!) participants. The prize money will be 500 USD. Registration fee is 14 USD (including playtime cost).

Heroes of Might and Magic V open beta-testing has started!

The Heroes of Might and Magic V open beta-testing has just started. Unfortunately, by this time, the beta may be downloaded only by GameSpy subscribers. Though, you may as well wait till 26 January, when the beta should become really public. :)

Changes to the Clans section

Many changes were made to the Clans section. Clan «Favorites of Sun» had been re-registered. Clan The Sixth Element changed it's emblem. Clans Gladiators and Phantoms of war changed their lineup. Also, a clan war between Keepers of the Holy Sword and The Warriors of Ounce has started today in Heroes Lands III.

Events section updated

Our Events section has been updated today (unfortunately, only in the Russian part so far). Let us relive the Summer 2005 together. This report will also be available in the English part of our Portal very soon. Also, you will see the reports from our citizens' meetings in Autumn. And a new event is coming up soon - Heroes Portal's Birthday! As always, we invite you to celebrate it together with us! Our project will become 6 years old since the foundation day, or 4 years since the official opening.

Another update of section "Maps"

Today we posted all maps we received during the past two weeks: Journey to the North (H2-M); Crystalemania, Knights Love, Knights of Time (H2-XL); Exploration (H3AB-XL); Capital War, Devil Master (H3SD-S); Flag (H3SD-M); HeroesLands - Continental War, Known Heroes - Continents War (H3SD-L); Rescue Rangers 1.01, Ucraine (H3SD-XL); Mage Games (H3WG-S); Great Underground Kingdom, Labirynth, Magister Secret, The Great Journey, Valmis (H3WG-M); Last Sunrise (H3WG-L); Freedom of Vanadia, Monster Alliance 2, North America, Reunion (very hard), Vasya against the whole world (H3SD-XL); American Way (H4WW-S); Agression, Conflict (H4WW-M); Minotaur Myths (H4WW-L); New Found Land (H4WW-XL).

Heroes V open beta-testing has NOT started today

Well, today is 19 January 2006! As we wrote in the previous news, an open beta-testing of Heroes V should have started today, but, according to the info from the official Ubisoft forums, it won't. Looks like the test won't be open, just extended for larger number of participants. :-/