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Offline Duel Rules Updated!

Updated rules offline dueling! Feud owners can challenge each other to an official duel.

Today Defined “Tavern Sage” and “Tavern Drunk” in November 2019

Sir was recognized as the “Sage of the Tavern” in November 2019 Mullich He answered 174 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chatting), and earned 957 @. Lady Brungilda Wolter recognized in November as the main “Thirsty Tavern”. She spent 68 @ on the treats of her friends. What is arroba (@) and how can they earn spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above.

Today Defined “Tavern Sage” and “Tavern Drunk” in October 2019

Sir was recognized as the “Sage of the Tavern” in October 2019 Mullich He answered 208 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chatting), and earned 1148 @. Lady Brungilda Wolter recognized in October as the main “Thirsty Tavern”. She spent 403 @ on the treats of her friends. What is arroba (@) and how can they earn spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above.

Today Defined “Tavern Sage” and “Tavern Drunk” in September 2019

Sir was recognized as the “Sage of the Tavern” in September 2019 Mullich He answered the 230 questions asked by our Bartender and Barmaid for barstand / bar counter (chatting), and earned 1378 @. Lady Brungilda Wolter recognized in September as the main “Thirsty Tavern”. She spent 385 @ on the treats of her friends. What is arroba (@) and how can they earn spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above.

Join the tournaments!

Congratulations to all on the start of the fall game season! Open tournaments for the versions of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 2,3,5! Join now!

Today Defined “Tavern Sage” and “Tavern Drunk” in August 2019

Sir was recognized as the “Sage of the Tavern” in August 2019 Mullich He answered the 198 questions that our Bartender and Barmaid asked barstand / bar counter (chatting), and earned 1171 @. Lady Brungilda Wolter recognized in August as the main “Thirsty Tavern”. She spent 305 @ on the treats of her friends. What is arroba (@) and how can they earn spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links above.

Our section of maps is replenished!

In May 2019, 6 new maps were added to the Portal of Heroes of Might and Magic!
Ray of light Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death, M
Darkshore Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death, S
Arkaim Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death, L
King of the North Heroes 3: Horn of the Void, M
Sandro's Revenge Heroes 3: Void Horn, L
Clouds over the sea Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death, L

Today the “Sage of the Tavern” and the “Drinker of the Tavern” in May 2019 are defined

“Sir of the Tavern” in May 2019 was recognized by Sir Mullich He answered 120 questions asked by our Barman and Barmaid for barstand / bar (chat), and earned 699 @. Sir Mullich recognized in May as the main "Tavern Drunk". She spent 22 @ on a treat for friends. What is arroba (@) and how you can make make money spend on our Portal, you will read by visiting the links listed above.

Heroes Portal honors the duelist of 2018!

Sir S.E.T. was given the honorary status of the 2018 Duelist. In 2018, he took part in two duels. All duels were held on the version of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 3. You can view the list of open duels and tournaments here.

Rewarding the best player in the overall rating of the Portal 2018

Today we congratulate Sir Tomass! He scored most points in 2018 for the tournaments played! And today, the special status of the “Best Player of the Portal 2018” has been added to his profile!

Awarding the best player in 2018 among the girls of our Portal!

Today we congratulate Lady Stillness De La Kutuale Hell! She scored the most points in tournaments on our Portal. And today, the special status “Best Player among Girls 2018” has been added to her profile.

Heroes Portal honors the winners of off-line tournaments, on the version of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 4, 2018

According to the results of the games in 2018 on the version of the game “Heroes Of Might and Magic IV” are awarded:
Sir dnaop-wr is titled as Grand Master of the "Heroes Lands 4" tournament in 2018 (First Place of Honor) He is assigned this title in a special status in his profile on Heroes Portal.
Lady Stillness De La Kutuale Hell is titled as Master of the "Heroes Lands 4" tournament in 2018 (Second Place of Honor) He is given this title in special status in his profile on Heroes Portal.
Sir Roland Ironfist titled title Specialist of the Tournament "Heroes Territory 4" 2018 (Honorable Third Place). He is assigned this title in a special status in his profile on Heroes Portal.

Heroes Portal honors the winners of off-line tournaments, on the version of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 3, 2018

According to the results of the games in 2018 on the version of the game “Heroes Of Might and Magic III” are awarded:
Sir Yev_Geniy is titled as Grand Master of the "Heroes Lands 3" tournament in 2018 (First Place of Honor) He is assigned this title in a special status in his Heroes profile Portal.
Sir Tomass is titled as Master of the Heroes Lands 3 tournament in 2018 (Second Place of Honor) He is given this title in special status in his Heroes Portal application .
Lady Stillness De La Kutuale Hell is titled as Specialist of the Tournament "Heroes Lands 3" 2018 (Honorable Third Place). He is assigned this title in a special status in his profile on Heroes Portal.

Heroes Portal honors the winners of off-line tournaments, on the version of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 2, 2018

According to the results of the games in 2018 on the version of the game “Heroes Of Might and Magic II” are awarded:
Sir Kowalski is titled as Grand Master of the Heroes Land 2 tournament 2018 (First Place of Honor) He is awarded this title in special status in his Heroes profile Portal.
Sir Lovelass is titled as Master of the "Heroes Lands 2" tournament in 2018 (Second Place of Honor) He is given this title in special status in his Heroes Portal profile .
Sir Registr is titled as Specialist of the Tournament "Heroes Lands 2" 2018 (Honorary Third Place). He is assigned this title in a special status in his profile on Heroes Portal.