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New maps

New maps have been added today: Castles and Dreams (H3RE-XL); Big War, Exciting Trip, Full Moon (H3AB-XL); War of Three Kings, The Duncan Isthmus (H3SD-S); Intrusion has begun (H3SD-M); Abetment, Attack from Ocean, Sprinter, Bad Fellas, Test for Brave (H3SD-XL); Seafarers (H3WG-XL); Beltway II (H4-M); Crowning Magistre (H4GS-XL). Look for them in our section "New Maps".

Summer improvements on HeroesPortal

There is summer outside. Many of you have settled for travelling, but to those, who still come to our Portal, it will be pleasant to find out, that today we updated the first page of our Portal - the gates to the world of Heroes This update was done because from now the players, who achieved victories in our offline tourneys "HeroesLands", will get shirts with this drawing on them. Also, two new Clans have just been registered on our Portal. For information, check the page "Clans".

Another large update of section "Maps"

New maps and campaigns were added today: Wolfens Visions (H3RE-M); Martial Elves, Devilish Pride (H3RE-XL); Resistance, Stars, Water Snow and Fire (H3-AB-XL); Citadel of Death (H3SD-S); Dark and Light, Fight for death, Life, Traveller, Magic Off (H3-SD-M); The Mean Agreement, Trial (H3SD-L); Ambush, The Great War (H3SD-XL); Capital of Death, The Peasant, Angel and Sword Episode II (H3SD-C); Adventure Islands (H3WG-S); Great Wars of Aiurveda (H3WG-L); Between Magic and Might (H3WG-XL); Punic Wars, Intrusion (H3WG-C). Look for them is our section "New Maps".

The second on-line tourney on our Portal has been opened!

You can find the schedule of the second on-line tourney on for game version "Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - The Shadow of Death" here. The prize for which the participants of this on-line tourney will fight each other will be 1000@ and 1 feud in our off-line tourney "HeroesLands". HeroesPortal team welcomes any aid or suggestions from those, who have the ability to conduct on-line tourneys for Heroes 4. We still run those tourneys irregularly, notifying in our HeroesPortal news about groups of players, gathering for participating in on-line tourney. We hope that we'll be able to satisfy your will to play in on-line tourneys as successfully as we did it in our off-line tourneys.

New maps

New maps have been added today:: 13 Obelisks, Adjudication, Exiled, Family Reunion, Ludicrosity, Necromantic, Quadruples, Threedom (H2-M); War of the Ring (H2-XL); Atlantic Ocean (H3SD-M); Havoc, Mr. Frosty, The Battle of Steel and Magic (H3SD-XL); Machine Wars, Four Towns, The war is beginning (H3WG-S); A Dracolish Helmet, Erathia, Tania WOG (H3WG-XL). Look for them in our section "New Maps". Two new campaigns - The Peasant, Angel and Sword (Episode II) and New Day - are being tested now.

Large update of section "Maps"

New maps and campaign were added today: Alien Invasion, Armada, Bad Morale, Crossroads, Eruptions, Halloween, Heat, Invaders, Starfire, Tolkien Tribute, Whimsy Islands (H2-L); No Return Possible (H3SD-XL); You must do this...(H3WG-M); Cloak of Undead King (H3WG-XL); The way of Arthur (H3WG-C); If These Walls Could Talk (H4-M); Danger ZoNe, Death Valley, Desert Strike, Iopoiu 1.1, Magic Forest 1.1, Shadow Be Thy Game, Walkabout 1.2 (H4WW-M); Genesis (H4WW-L). Look for them in our section "New Maps.".

Our Tavern becomes better

We continue developing our site. Today we added some new functions to our forum "Tavern", and now it works much more quickly. Come to our Tavern for celebrations:)

Staff changes in clan "3rd Paladins Gonfalon"

Today the staff of clan "3-rd Paladins’ Gonfalon" has changed. You can get acquainted with the new staff of the clan here.

New maps and campaigns

New maps and campaigns were added today: Fear2, Genesis, Heretics II, Inner Sanctum, Ocean View, Senadrin Glade, Shadow World, Snow Storm (H2-XL); Honey Dwarf (H3AB-M); Plague, The Decisive Hundred (H3SD-XL); The Peasant, Angel and Sword (H3SD-C); Halberdiers Attack, Sword and shield (H3WG-M), An adventure with Slander (H3WG-L); Abduction, Augment (H3WG-XL); Bastard (H3WG-C); Queen Sudba 2 (H4WW-S). Look for them in our section "New Maps".

Maps from our Portal were posted in Russian gaming journal "Igromania"

Posting maps on our Portal is not only interesting and profitable, but also prestigious for mapmakers. Not long ago some maps from our Portal were published on CD, that comes along with the magazine «Igromania» as a bonus. Here is the list of maps published: Logan Peacekeeper - Coalition Wars (H3-SoD-XL) LEOSAN - Experiment (H3-WoG-S) BOOGALOO - Fantasy World (H3-WoG-XL) Dread Knight - Four Nations (H3-WoG-S) LEOSAN - Gohan (H3-WoG-XL) Eliminator - Golem Rebellion (H3-WoG-XL) Gorbik - Happy Time Dragons! (H3-AB-XL) LEOSAN - Legacy Of Solmir (H3-WoG-M) Romich - Map about Romich (H3-WoG-M) Lady PoisonAvi - Somewhere In Desert (H3-SoD-XL) LEOSAN - Titan (H3-WoG-S) Arctic Sh.- Arctic Lands (H2-XL) Robert Lakatos - Captain (H2-M) Jekil - Jekil Map (H2-XL) Logan Peacekeeper - the Last Coalition War (H4-WoW-XL) We greet those authors, whose works have been published by "Igromania" journal, and anticipate new great maps for all versions of Heroes.

New maps and campaign

New maps and campaign were added today: Cross of Forces, Maze, Two Countries (H2-M); Europe, Three Signs, Ordinary World (H2-L); Three Continents (H2-XL); Between angel and demon, Diamond Isle (H3SD-M); HeroesLands - Clans (H3SD-L); Attraction 1.1. (v.2), Ruler, Vendetta, The Lone Knight (H3SD-XL); Accept 1.4 (v.2) (H3SD-C); All for Gogs, Play Arena, Qwetland (H3WG-S); Klondike (H3WG-M); Fufland (H3WG-L); Great War (H3WG-XL); First (H4WW-S). Look for them in our section "New Maps". Another two H3 campaigns - "Good and Ill" and "The Peasant, the Angel and the Sword" - are being tested now.

The HoMM Festival "Krasnodar - 2004" has ended

The director of  Heroes Portal magister Gorbik has just returned from Krasnodar (Russia) where the HoMM Festival took place. The prize fund of all Heroes 3 and Heroes 4 tourneys, arranged in Krasnodar, was equal 1500 USD in total and there were about 40 participants arrived. The Heroes 3 tourney was conducted according to HaosLeague rules, and Haos himself was present:) Unfortunately, LaBoule from Heroic Corner, who was supposed to be there, couldn't arrive, but the main organizer of the festival  - sir Alan Prost, the director of Heroes League - did all he could in order to prevent the participants of the tourney from being disappointed because of the ebsence of LaBoule. The tourney passed in true spirit of HoMM festival! You'll be able to see the photo correspondence about the Krasnodar HoMM festival in our section  «Events» soon.

New maps

New maps were added today: Five Islands (H2-L); The Great Invasion (H3RE-XL); Confrontation (H3SD-M); Merchant's Honor, Course of King, HeroesLands - Trade Tower (H3SD-L); If I Rule the World, Land of the Great Horse, A new enemy (H3SD-XL); Four Nations, Revolution (H3WG-S); Map about Romich, Taste of the Vampire (H3WG-M); XXL (H3WG-L); Golem rebellion (H3WG-XL); Enjoy v.1.10 (H4GS-M); Feudalism, Three Shields (H4WW-M). Look for them in section "New Maps".

Additional elections ended

Sir Swamp Chaos, having got a one-vote advantage over sir Shiqou, his main rival, was elected to fill the 12th place inside the Knights of the Round Table, that was abandoned by sir Dart Vader. Maybe, the elections were won because sir Swamp Chaos voted for himself. Well, let's wish sir Shiqou to be elected next time and greet sir Swamp Chaos in our Tavern. You can find the detailed information about these elections  here.

Large update of our Storage

Our "Storage" section has been filled with various helpful prorgams and files for games Heroes III and Heroes IV.