News archive - 2013 year

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News archive - 2013 year

New maps!

There has been a regular update of our section "Maps". Slugfest Allied 2vs2vs2vs2 v1 Eng & Rus (H3SD-S); Slugfest Allied 4vs4 v1 Eng & Rus(H3SD-S); Slugfest v1 Eng & Rus(H3SD-S); Amodaria (by Abime) H6-XL; Andele versus dablove V (by Niven) (H6-M); Duel Of Heroes SP (by Abvgd) (H6-S); Four Kingdoms (by Fletch) (H6-L); Heresh (by mr.budilnik, aka feidet) (H6-S); Ile des Tentations (by Michel) (H6-XL); Three friends (by mr.budilnik, aka feidet) (H6-L2014); Crisis In Necro Kingdom (by Kamal) (H6SD-M); Area 51 (by Kamal) (H6SD-S); Spain is Different baby (by Kamal) (H6SD-M); Veil of Darkness (by Abvgd) (H6-M).

New maps!

There has been a regular update of our section "Maps" (December 19-20, 2011), which added the following works: Der innere Ring (H6-M); A Song of Ice and Fire (H3SD-XL); Eight v1 English & Russian (H3SD-XL); Eight Allied 4vs4 v1 Eng & Rus (H3SD-XL); Eight Allied 2vs2vs2vs2 v1 Eng & Rus (H3SD-XL); Mabonagrin Mission (H5TE-S); Zion vs Matrix 2012 (by Kamal) (H6-S); The Kingdom (by TondaFS) (H6-M); Relics long forgotten (by Alexoiko) (H6-M); Les Terres Royales ( Royal Countries ) (H6-XL); Jungle Fever (by Anti Kodas) (H6-M); Island (by TondaFS) (H6-L); The Kirvis Generals (H4WW-C); Ermelloth`s Adventures (H3SD-M).

New maps!

There has been a regular update of our section "Maps": Der innere Ring H6-M; Hase und Igel (by Leandra) H6-S; Les Monstres Monsters H6-M; Les Portes Secretes ( The Secret doors ) H6-XL; MagicienTemeraire (Reckless Magician) H6-XL; The battle of wills H6-XL; The Seven Shards of Remembrance (by Annoxiouse) H6-XL; Jungle Fever (by Natalka - TOH) H6SD-L; Russia (by Evil_Pure) H6SD-L; Katz und Maus (by Leandra) H6-M;

New maps!

There has been a regular update of our section "Maps" (December 19-20, 2011), which added the following works: Omen (H2-M); Need more experiance (H3SD-XL); Fire Water And Glory (H4WW-C); Mire Road (by Christoph S.) ; Wojna narodow (by Rysioslaw) ; All alone in the dark (by Asger Folmann) ;  Athen (by Steve Ross) ;  Australia (by Adrian Amato) ;  Halleluljah in the Swamp Il ;  Vasto Mondo (by Stefano Toso) ;  La Ruta de los Artefactos  ; The Power of Knowledge (by Kerux) (H4WW-XL)

New Maps!

Today we completed another scheduled update of our section Maps, which was restocked with new works:
Invasion of the Mamai îò Ñýðà SuperStar H3SD-XL
Paragon îò Ñýðà Rincewind H3SD-XL
Invasion of the Dead îò Ñýðà laklak H3SD-S
The Last Day îò Ñýðà MixxeR H3SD-XL
Return to the abyss! îò Ñýðà Asmozz H3WG-XL
Perfect Balance (GET) îò Ñýðà Goethe-K H3SD-M
Rembridge War (GET) îò Ñýðà Goethe-K H3SD-S
Feudal lord 006 (RS) îò Ñýðà Radosvet H3SD-S
Slave Zaur îò Ñýðà SuperStar H3SD-M