Clans :: Hand of Light

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Hand of Light

Clan consists of

Charter of the clan
I. General clan info

1. Who are we?

The clan "Hand of Light" is a union of several gallant warriors who decided that “five is better and much more cheerful than one”.

2. Structure:

Sir Registr – the Leader
Sir Unnamed Hero - the Writer / the Tactician
Sir Ermelloth - the Diplomat
Sir Ðàýëèñ - the Treasurer
Sir paladine - the Cartographer

3. Goals:

- Mastering our strategic and tactical skills;
- Territorial, financial, influential and cultural expansion;
- Mutual assistance;
- Mutual protection;
- Contribution to HeroesLands social activities.

4. Clan motto:

"Heros stantem mori oportere" – “Hero should die standing” (lat).

II. Internal policy

1. Clan members can’t duel each other;
2. Clan members assist each other in various aspects of HeroesLands social life as much as possible;
3. The Leader carries out the general management of the clan and represents it at official negotiations;
4. Clan members can freely exchange any property they possess (including feuds), as long as it doesn’t interact with general HeroesPortal rules;
5. Clan members must not disclose / publish any information, that is considered internal;
6. The clan can be dismissed:
- in case all clan members lost their feuds;
- in case 3 or more clan members voted for clan disassembly;
- by Supreme Magister’s direct and properly issued command.

III Clan council

1. Clan council’s voting is the only way of making decisions in the clan. In case of equality of voices the Leader’s voice is considered decisive;
2. The Leader has the right to change a decision making order in case of emergency. He should however inform all other clan members about the motives / purpose of doing so;
3. Each clan member has the right to make a suggestion for clan council to consider / vote for it;
4. Banishment / recruitment voting requires at least 3 or more clan members acceptance;
5. Each clan member has the right to voluntarily leave the clan, having presented a nominee for his own replacement, approved by clan council.

IV. Foreign policy

1. Territorial and influential expansion in HeroesLands;
2. Protection of each clan member’s interests in HeroesLands;
3. Cooperation with other clans and organizations in HeroesLands;
4. Preventing other clan(s) totalitarian domination in HeroesLands.