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heroes palm Игра "Heroes Palm", для карманных КПК. Мы предлагаем эксклюзивное предложение, с 40% скидкой. Подробности оплаты и больше о игре смотрите здесь 150 rur
Футболка Heroes Portal Футболка Heroes Portal более 50 видов. Вы ее можете заказать в интернет-магазине наших партнеров. Они занимаются изготовлением и доставкой.

Внимание для подтверждения заказа направьте письмо по адресу [email protected]
550 rur buy
A banner with 'Heroes Portal' logo A banner with "Heroes Portal" logo. - -
This CD contains ALL maps This CD contains ALL maps from the "Heroes Portal" as well as our visitors' works (e-newspapers, chronicles etc.) and a movie from the "Heroes Portal" opening. - -
A tin figurine of an orc A tin figurine of an orc A tin figurine of an orc, on a stone pedestal with engraved on it. 8 to 15 cm in height. Making figurines of other fantasy characters is also possible. - -
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Thank you very much for reading this page. If you are here, then you are interested in the Heroes of Might and Magic game as much as we are.

This game is not supported by the Cyber Sports association, as one such game may take more than 24 hours of playing. That’s why «Heroes Portal» has no permanent sponsors like some other, more spectacular sports, such as «Counter-strike».

«Heroes Portal» started as a homepage and developed into a huge Internet project. Over 1000 banner showings daily are performed on our portal and over 600 persons visit it every day. But such a high number of visitors may be a problem too: the project is in constant need of financial help due to high costs of traffic and hosting for it.

That’s why we invite you to the Heroes Portal Shop. By buying something nice for yourself here, you would make our life easier.


Maps on Portal